Founders Forum New York

Navigating the Future of Business at Founders Forum New York Founders Forum New York is a premier gathering of global entrepreneurs, business leaders, and investors. This event is renowned for its insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and its focus on the future trajectories of industries. In this context, pass_by is proud to present its cutting-edge foot traffic intelligence platform. At pass_by, we understand the importance of data-driven decision-making in today's competitive business landscape. Our platform provides businesses with real-time insights into consumer foot traffic patterns, enabling them to optimize operations, enhance marketing strategies, and better understand their target audience. For businesses…

Slush 2023

Empowering the Next Wave of Innovations at Slush 2023 Slush has consistently been a beacon for tech enthusiasts, startups, and innovators from around the globe. As one of the world's premier startup events, Slush 2023 is set to be a melting pot of ideas, collaborations, and groundbreaking innovations. At pass_by, we're thrilled to be part of this transformative ecosystem. Our advanced foot traffic intelligence platform is meticulously designed to empower businesses, offering them unparalleled insights into consumer behavior. By understanding foot traffic patterns, businesses can make more informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and stay ahead of the curve in an…

New York Winter Data Summit 2023

Harnessing the Power of Data at New York Winter Data Summit 2023 The New York Winter Data Summit is more than just an event; it's a celebration of data and its transformative potential. Every year, this summit brings together a diverse group of data enthusiasts, industry experts, and businesses eager to harness the power of data to drive growth and innovation. At pass_by, we're at the vanguard of this data revolution. Our foot traffic intelligence platform offers businesses a unique lens to view and understand consumer behavior. By tapping into these insights, businesses can tailor their strategies, optimize operations, and…