New Feature – Tenant Finder Report

Redefining Void Analysis

The Tenant Finder Report helps you identify the right retailer for your site in seconds. Using sophisticated AI and mobile consumer data, we can now show you a list of the perfect tenants for your vacancies, along with easily digestible insights that you can use to show retailers that signing a lease with you is the best decision they can make.

The Problem With Traditional Approaches

When speaking with our customers about traditional void analysis tools, two issues came up over and over again. Firstly, outdated approaches did not give nearly enough strong data points to ensure retailers were happy to enter into a lease. Secondly, what insights that were provided, were often over complicated. According to our customers, this made it difficult to reassure retailers with data that they had a hard time understanding. 

What was needed was a new take on void analysis. One that could not only be understood at a glance, but also utilizes advancements in data science to provide the most accurate and actionable insights available.

A New Take on Void Analysis

Our data science team got to work. By combining our world class mobile data with cutting edge AI, we developed an approach to void analysis that gives you the most complete picture of the right retailers for your vacancy, as well as the insights needed to show to them how good a fit your site is.

Our analysis is broken down into 5 different types, offering you the flexibility to highlight the areas that matter most to your clients. Analysis types include leakage, synergy, co-tenancy, consumer and market, which offers you data on all the key factors retailers are looking for when thinking about their next location. 

Leakage Analysis 

This shows you if consumers are spending their money elsewhere, because the supply in the area around your site just isn’t meeting the demand.

Synergy Analysis 

If consumers usually visit a retailer before or after they visit one you already have on the books, this analysis can be used to show the prospective tenant that they should be signing a lease. 

Co-tenancy Analysis 

This analysis shows you the big hitters that a retailer expects to be close by when they open a new location. 

Consumer Analysis 

Old fashioned demographic information is no longer fit for purpose. This analysis shows you if a retailer’s target consumers work, live or most importantly shop around your site.

Market Analysis 

A take on previous approaches to void analysis, but improved. This analysis not only shows the nearest location of the listed retailer, but how likely they are to open a new branch at your site. 

These analyses can be used independently, or combined to provide an overall Property-Match Score. This and all of our other insights are easy to understand, and offer easy to digest data points that can be used to dramatically improve your leasing discussions.  

Pick any site across the US
Tenant finder map on Almanac

Input your address or drop a pin on your location and let us know the size of your site

Insights on over 6500 brands
Tenant finder list for comparison on Almanac

The most accurate data available on a huge range brands nationwide.

Clear data points as you need them
Retailer tenant score and analysis on Almanac

No two retailers are the same. Give them the insights they need to secure the deal.

How the Tenant Finder Report Can Help You

Finding a list of the right retailers doesn’t have to take your business the time and resources it does now. Not only can you save time generating a list of potential retailers, but you can also save wasted hours going after retailers that are simply not going to be a good fit. 

When you have the right data to provide a compelling pitch to the retailers you speak to, you get the confidence and insights you need to seal the deal. Not only are the insights actionable for both you and the retailers you talk to, but are based on the most accurate foot traffic data available.

Find the Perfect Tenant

Want to make sure you’re talking to the right retailers, with the data you need to support your pitches? Let us show you how it works.

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Matt Felix
Articles: 3