Expedite your site selection with the new Site Match Report

In a few quick steps, you can identify which of the 30k retail centers in the USA best fits your criteria.

_What's Inside?

↳ Advanced Scoring

Pinpoint the most popular centers for your target consumer with our sophisticated scoring system.

↳ Customizable Searches

Incorporate desired and undesired co-tenants, and apply specific filters to refine your search precisely to your needs.

↳ Efficient Site Saving and Export

Seamlessly save potential sites during your search and export your lists easily as a .csv or map image.

How Site Match Works

In three simple steps the Site Match Report helps you screen thousands of retail centers in minutes. You can find your home-run sites by following these three steps:


Step one  – Create your report

Start by defining your target consumer with specific demographic details.

Step two – Refine your criteria 

Add market criteria about preferred and non-preferred co-tenants.

Step three – View reports and export

Review your matches, and then save and export your findings.

_FAQ's regarding the pass_by beta program

You can join the pass_by beta program to test new features by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

We can only accept a limited number of participants. We’re specifically looking for feedback and insights from individuals with experience in the retail industry. Those who will actively use the new features in a retail setting will be prioritized for the program.

As a member of the beta program, you get access to the Enhanced Site Matching feature to analyze 30k+ retail centers and build your prospect list. 

You will also have access to our data, which has the highest in market accuracy of 94% when compared to ground truth verified data, and AI-powered predictive analytics.

Our beta program is a unique opportunity to test new features and for you to put our features to the test. 

The Site Match Report feature is pass_by’s newest tool on the data platform Almanac. Using this feature, you can analyze over 30,000 retail centers in the USA to find a location that suits your criteria. This feature aims to streamline the site selection process and offer further insights to support your decision making. 

The Site Match Report helps you screen thousands of retail centers in minutes. You can find your home-run sites by following these three steps:

  1. Create report

  2. View results

  3. Save and export sites

_why almanac?

↳ Data where you need it, when you need it

Analyze visits in your mall, center, and smaller stores with low noise.

↳ predict visits for the next 90 days

Harness predictive analytics with up to 90% accuracy compared to ground truth.

↳ Full competitor analysis

View four years of historical data, benchmark, and outpace competitors.

↳ Highest reliability in market accuracy

High quality ground truth verified data with 15+ data sources and 0.86 correlation.